Thursday, July 16, 2009

ENT Update

My day today:
8-9am PT with Katie

9:15am Appt with Dr. Crow. He said, "See ya in 6 months!" Yippee!

9:30-10:30am Morning break and ate

10:45 Appt with ENT, Dr. Griffin. She said that I would probably keep the tonsils and that their size would not keep me from coughing up my crud. She ordered an Xray to look at the adenoids. We are also going to wait until my antibiotic course is over to see if the fluid in my ears goes away. So, in early August, we will return to talk about the adenoids and peek into the ears.

11:45 Lunch

12:15 Xray of my face

1-5pm Nap

1 comment:

Pat said...

Hiya Timmy!
Thanks for the update. Just to let you know...if I could trade places with you, I would. that you could be healthy and normal. Love you, Tim.

Grandma Pat