Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Good Day

I impressed Dr. Crow today. I'm not the yellow man I used to be. I gained weight despite my hospital visits. I've got good poop (sparing you the gross details that my mom would gladly describe if you asked her). Dr. Crow cut back my TPN from 16 hrs/day to 14 hrs/day and he decreased the volume that I am getting too. He increased my bottles to 50ml each. More food, less IV liquid stuff (definition for TPN for my non-medical fans out there). I have always liked Dr. Crow. He and I will go fishing one day. Rock on Dr. Crow.

I also stopped by the old NICU stomping grounds today while at Children's. I waved, shook hands, and kissed lots of nurses. Good news that Michael was released from NICU jail on July 3rd. Micheal was my short gut neighbor back in room 9. For those of you that thought that I was in the NICU a long time, this kid was there a month before me and a little over a month after I left. Run Mikey, and don't turn back !

Picture Note: this is an old NICU picture....but fitting for the occasion.

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