Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stayin' Put.

Good news. Everyone has come to an agreement that I can stay at Calico school when I turn 3. (actually until 5!) This is a big deal because at the age of 3, I become property of the Cuyahoga Falls School I am a square on a Monopoly Board. CFalls has agreed with Mom and Dad that it's best to leave me with the people that already know me, my quirks, and my cans and cannots. Money has to change hands due to therapies, but that isn't my problem to figure out. My IFSP needs an MFE and then we write an IEP...welcome to the world of special education.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Changes, Changes, Changes

Since my recent visit to Children's, I have been on the up-n-up. Snot is gone. Since birth, I have been known to hear, "His lungs sound good, but his head is full of snot." Let me repeat, snot is gone. I can breathe, smell, and eat so much better. We are stepping down to eliminate the allergy medicines. I am eating like a champ...since the surgery I have gone from 16 lbs to 18 lbs 9 oz. Major milestone for me!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Last Few Days of Summer

Friday night I spent some time at my very first football game. I was not my usual self, with all the noises, but we were able to stay til halftime before I was too tired.

Saturday, we were at Grandma Lyla's for THE Ohio State game. Grandma Rosie fed me a grape popsicle and turned my lips black!