Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cheese Puffs Anyone?

My speech therapist suggested that I try some processed, not really cheese, cheese puffs. Her idea is that the melt in your mouth, easy to bite, tasty item would encourage me to chew. Since my diet still consists of Stage 2 babyfood, chewing is not really necessary yet. I agree, they were pretty good !
This past week, I traveled to the CF clinic for the monthly appt and to see Dr. Crow. Both went well. Daddy got to experience positive compliments from Dr. Crow, which we don't seem to get very often. He seems to be the "ok, but......" doctor on my list of doctor people. He also said that I had perfect bloodwork and he didn't expect that going cold turkey off of my IV treatments. Dr Crow said to not come back for two months, instead of one!!! Yeah ! Maybe we should send him flowers!

Somebody has been sleeping in my bed.....and it's not Goldilocks !

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's at the Crooked River Grill

Mom and Dad took themselves and me to an early dinner to beat the rush. We, unfortunately, had the same idea as everyone else. It was a good time and I entertained everyone throughout dinner. I kicked off my shoes, stole my mom's cole slaw, and yelled "ahhhh hey!" about a million times. Dad tried to quiet me, but I was enjoying the attention. We all had a good time.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

She said to eat it !

I saw my speech therapist on Friday. She gave me two things for homework: chew on twizzlers and put cheetos in my mac n' cheese. So far, the twizzlers are a hit. Pics of cheetos to come later.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone !

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Radiothon 09

Mom and Dad

Silver Lake volunteers answering the phones

A blanket for every baby in the NICU...a present of hope. Each was pledged for at least $180 a piece. There are 38 blankets !

A wagon of change....$1729.23 to be exact.

Matt Patrick and his daughter...I might marry her :)

Talking about the Buckeye Guy...that's how big I was when I was born !

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Photos from Radiothon 2008...Can't wait to see them on Sunday!

Above is a picture of me one year ago with Mom and Dad at Radiothon. I will be making my return appearance this year on Sunday. The other picture is Mom's school answering the telephones. Mom and Dad went to the Bandit Bash tonight. This is a party for the change bandits to turn in the money that they have collected. Dad turned in his collection, and Mom waits until Sunday. The starting total that the official radiothon will begin with on Friday at 5:30am is $92,000.98. Wow!