Friday, December 26, 2008

My Christmas Marathon

My Christmas holiday was a big family reunion stretched over three days.

Day One, Dec 24: Slept in til 9am and the stroller guy came to deliver my stroller. Merry Christmas compliments of the government (mom's humor added here). Pictures of this Caddy for a 2 yr old to come. A visit from Grandpa Terry and Aunt Shivaun came later. I don't get to see them very often and it was wonderful to see them for the holiday. That evening, we swung by Grandma Lyla's to say hi to Aunt April, Uncle-to-be Randy, and Joey. Santa stopped by the house and told me that I was on the "good" list. I got cranky and we went home.

Day Two, Dec 25: Slept in til 10am and had to be at Grandma Lyla's at 11am! AHHHH! Here we had brunch and saw Uncle Curt and Aunt Nancy, Uncle Jerry and Aunt DeDe, Aunt April and Uncle Randy, Cousins Jessie, Tom, Joey, and Ryan, and Grandma Rosie. It was a houseful, but I did fairly well with all that racket. We went home about 1pm, napped, and Tyler came home at 4pm. Presents again and called it a night.

Day Three, Dec 26: Spent the day with Grandma Pat, Grandpa Rich, Great Grandma Good, Great Grandma Jackson, Tyler, Mom and Dad. Another round of presents, food, and naps.

The holidays were wonderful and I am exhausted. Enjoy some pics below.

Family Pics from the Holidays Part I

Me, chillin' in my chair

Big Brother Tyler

The newest member of the family...Gracie

Family Pics from the Holiday Part II

Great Grandma Good

Great Grandma Jackson

Aunt April, Grandma Lyla, Daddy

Me, Great Grandma Rosie, Cousin Joey

Daddy and Mommy

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reason for the Season

This is the photo that many of you received as your holiday card this year. Let's remember that it is not the value of the presents given and is the invaluable people in our lives that reminds us that there is a God and He grants the grandest of miracles.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sprung a Leak !

This conversation takes place between the hours of 9 am and 10 am, Thursday:
Dr. Crow: Has that broviac really been working for 15 months?
Dad: (Proudly) Yes it has.
Dr. Crow: ...and Timmy hasn't been sick?
Dad: (Proudly) No.
Dr. Crow: (Surprised) ...and he hasn't been hospitalized in over a year?
Dad: (Proudly) No.
Dr. Crow: ...not even for CF issues?
Dad: No.
Dr. Crow: Wow, Timmy, you're doing great.
Dad: (Smiles)

This event takes place between the hours of 9pm and 10 pm, Thursday:
Mom: Um, dear, I can't connect his TPN to his broviac.
Dad: Why?
Mom: It has sprung a leak !

We called the ER and explained to the poor clueless night-shift resident what happened, that we clamped the line, that he should call Dr. Crow. At 12:15 am, the "official" call comes that we should stay home and come to the office in the morning. Good thing, because at 12:15 am, everyone was in bed sleeping.

Friday morning, Dad took Timmy for his OT appointment and then to see Dr. Crow. The line got patched, flushed, and the drama was over. We are glad that this all happened during a time when Timmy was at home and not at school, but we still think that Dr. Crow jinxed us !

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

All I do is EAT!!!

I go to see Dr. Crow in the morning. If it were up to him I would have this spoon shoved into my mouth 24-7! As it is, I have to eat 5 meals daily to get the calories I need to make up for my missing gut. I feel like every time I turn around there is another spoon chasing me! I had another good day at school today. Like I said before, my parents celebrate every time I come home in the same clothes I went in. No accidents out of either end!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


An average Tuesday for me. School wasn't bad today, nothing too exciting to write about. After school Mom and Dad packed me up and took me to Children's for some routine monthly blood work, results to follow. Then we all went to Bob Evans for dinner. It's one of my mommy's most favorite places. Tyler and I were very well behaved and it was a nice family evening out!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Back to it!

This past weekend treated me well. I spent time with my Grandma Lyla Saturday morning while my parents went Christmas shopping. Sunday Dad and I lounged around and tried to catch up on some laundry. Today was a typical Monday. School was fun, then I chilled at home. I wanted to stay up with Daddy to watch the Brownies, but I crashed out early!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Its Friday and I couldn't be happier! I had a good day at school today considering the treatment I had yesterday. I was a little sore today, but for the most part I didn't need Motrin to help. I'm looking forward to a nice easy-going weekend, I get to see my Grandma Lyla tomorrow, and maybe even cousin Joey. Happy Weekend to All!

I've got the greatest dad.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long Day

I had a long day today. Dad and I spent the morning at Children's. I had my typical PT appointment for Thursday. After there, we went up for a quick visit with my CF Nutritionist. Then I had an appointment with my Physiatrist for a botox treatment. Botox you ask?!? It helps loosen muscles in my arms and legs, due to the fact they are chronically tight from my Cerebral Palsy. This was my second treatment, not quite as easy as the first. The more I gain weight, the more botox I can tolerate, the more pokes it takes. When I got home, I took about an hour and 45 minutes worth of naps. Other than being a little sore at the poke spots, I feel pretty good. It will take about 3 weeks to see if the treatment is helping. I'm beat!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Warm Wednesday

As I'm sure most of you had to leave the house to go into the cold today, I did not! My class went on a field trip today. I'm still a little too small to join them on field trips, so I took the day off and had Grandma Rosie come spend the day with me! She cuddled me up and kept me warm all day!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

One of my favorite nurses this morning told Dad that I have been having great days at school the past week and a half. She said she thinks I'm FINALLY getting used to the place. I've been napping better, eating better, and when I get home, I'm even sleeping better! I don't know how may times I have to tell this world I do things on my schedule, and now, its time to be a big boy at school!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mundane Monday

Just an average Monday for me. Back to school after a weekend of spoiling. I'm really starting to enjoy all the workouts I get at school. They are kind of like mini Physical Therapy appointments. I say mini because my PT Miss Katie likes to work me out until I'm toast, so in comparison, school is easy. Mom took Tyler and I's picture for our Christmas card tonight. I can't show you the picture just yet...its a surprise!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekend Recap

I had a very good weekend. For once I took it easy on my parents and slept in both Saturday and Sunday mornings! Grandma Pat and Grandpa Rich came up to see my on Saturday. I had a great time laughing and smiling for them. Sunday, my own personal government appointed nurse, Sue, came to play with me. After about 9 months of her, I'm finally getting used to her. I did alot of movin and shakin this weekend. One of these days dad says I'm going to crawl right across the room! Dad and I also watched the BCS selection show tonight! We were both pleasantly surprised to see the Buckeyes make the Fiesta Bowl. Texas will be a hard test for our boys, but Dad and I think we can take em!

Friday, December 5, 2008

A good end to a good week!

I had another good day today. Fridays are my Occupational and Speech Therapy mornings, those aren't nearly as hard as PT! School was good, I had fun with my friends in circle time. I ate like a King, and took me a little nap. Dad works late on friday nights so I can't fall asleep on him like this. But snuggle time with mom is good too!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!

Today was a great day. Had my regular Thursday Physical Therapy with Miss Katie. She said it was the best work I have ever done for her. She works me out pretty hard, but its good for me. School was pretty good today, I took a nice long nap, and I came home in the clothes I went in. My mom and dad say thats a good day because that means I didn't have any accidents on myself! After school we all went and bought new lights for the Christmas Tree, and to Bob Evans for dinner. We got home to put the lights on, but I was tuckered out from all that work, so I cashed it in early.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hump Day

I had a day off school yesterday, but was back again today. I don't know why my parents insist on taking me when they know I'd much rather stay at home with any of my grandmas! Aparentally it is good for me! Anyways, my day off yesterday was to see an Orthopedic doctor. They took some x-rays of my hips. My Physical Therapist had some concerns about me. Everything looked good though. My mom joked telling the doc, he was the first doctor we have seen to have good news for us! Unless there are more concerns in the near future I don't have to go back to see him for an entire year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

School Pictures

Here is my first official school picture. Notice the crazy hair !!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to School.

After nearly a week off, it was back to school for me. It was a normal Monday, nothing special. Until I found out my mommy packed me mac and cheese for both my noon and 3pm meals! So, since I was in such a great mood, the family and I had a good night playing before bedtime. It's the small things in life that make me happy!