Let's talk about icing. What kind of things do you do in a day? What basic luxuries do you take for granted because that is just the way that life has always been? I want you to appreciate the little things in life for a moment and allow me to reflect back. One year ago I was brought into this world 8 weeks too early. I started life at 3 lbs 1 oz. and today I am almost 14 lbs. I was 13 inches long and I am now 24.5 inches. I have survived 19 surgeries. My parents won't talk about the number of times that I have been in life-threatening situations. They will, however, talk about the good moments....like when I laugh every time I sneeze. When I lick your face because I am trying to give a kiss. When I call out "Mum" when I want my mommy. When I snuggle into my dad's chest and nap.
I am fortunate to have experienced the little things in life. I will not take these things for granted. I turned one today, and I am lucky to be here....and that is my icing on my cake.