Friday, February 4, 2011

Got Places To Go

Four years of Katie at Children's Hospital....and look what I can do !

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Dog Weighs As Much As My 9yr Old Brother

Introducing gentle giant. She has eaten Tyler's pool noodle, 3 green peppers out of the garden, and a tube of diaper cream. She likes ice cubes and treats. She loves to lick the baby food from my fingers. She loves to play with the family, but is very sweet and gentle with me. She is a 2 yr old rescue black lab.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm A Member !

I am finally a member of the No Cavity Club. Dr. Mertes said that my teeth look great!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Visiting Camp and Blue Cheese

I went to camp. No, silly, I didn't "go" to camp....but I did pick up my brother there. I saw Meredith too!!! She was very excited to see me outside of school. She tickled my toes and made me smile. The family went to Quaker Steak for some chicken wings and I licked blue cheese dressing off of a piece of celery. It was some good stuff! Also, I am now the proud co-owner of a dog that weighs 20 lbs more than me. Daisy was brought home a couple weeks ago. She is a 2yr old black Lab rescue and she LOVES to give kisses. Pictures to come....

Friday, June 18, 2010

Drum Roll Please.......

Thank you to everyone...
who looked at my picture,
who read my blog,
who listened to someone tell my story,
who became inspired by my support team,
who walked or pledged someone to walk,
who will have a great impact on my future.

Look how far we have come.....

Great Strides Goal 2009 $1,500.
Great Strides Total 2009 $2,100.

Great Strides Goal 2010 $3,000.
Great Strides Total 2010 $4,713.